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After facing a setback in the exam and grappling with the challenges of cryptography and networks, I found a silver lining. Thanks to your engaging simulations and the opportunity to revisit my weaknesses, I was not only able to fill the gaps in my knowledge but also pass the exam successfully. Thank you for the exceptional content and valuable support throughout this learning journey!
Carlos Silva
Cybersecurity Engineer
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The mock exam is conducted entirely online to provide convenience and flexible access to all participants.

No, it’s not a dump! It’s a mock exam designed to test your knowledge on the topics covered in the test, allowing you to review both your strengths and weaknesses to excel in the actual exam

Yes, there is a Telegram group for students where you can ask questions and share them with other students who are preparing for the test.

The simulations will be conducted on the Udemy platform, where students can comment and access explanations for the correct answers.

Yes, the test was taken by a cybersecurity professional who holds the LPIC-1/LPIC-2/LPIC-3 Security Exam certifications and works in the field.

Yes, you can access a limited number of questions by clicking the link below, but I assure you, you won’t regret it





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Quiz sobre Segurança e Linux

Test your knowledge for the exam

Question 1: Which of the following parameters to openssl s_client specifies the host name to use for TLS Server Name Indication

Explanation: The correct option is "-servername" which specifies the host name to use for TLS Server Name Indication.
Question 2: Which of the following lines in an OpenSSL configuration adds an X 509v3 Subject Alternative Name extension for the host names and to a certificate'?

Explanation: The correct option is "subjectAltName = DNS:," which adds an X 509v3 Subject Alternative Name extension for the host names and to a certificate.
Question 3: Which of the following information, within a DNSSEC- signed zone, is signed by the key signing key?

Explanation: The correct answer is "The zone signing key of the zone." The key signing key (KSK) signs the DNSKEY RRset, whereas the zone signing key (ZSK) signs the remaining RRsets in the zone.
Question 4: Which of the following commands makes the contents of the eCryptfs encrypted directory -/Private available to the user?

Explanation: The correct option is "ecryptfs-mount-private". This command makes the contents of the eCryptfs encrypted directory -/Private available to the user.
Question 5: Which command revokes ACL-based write access for groups and named users on the file afile?

Explanation: The correct option is "setfacl -x mask: : rx afile", which revokes ACL-based write access for groups and named users on the file afile.
Question 6: Which of the following commands changes the source IP address to for all IPv4 packets which go through the network interface eth0? j SNAT -to-source eth0 -j SNAT -to-source

Explanation: The correct option is "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source". This command changes the source IP address to for all IPv4 packets which go through the network interface eth0.
Question 7: Which of the following statements describes the purpose of ndpmon?

Explanation: The correct option is "it monitors the network for neighbor discovery messages from new IPv6 hosts and routers". ndpmon is a utility used to monitor the network for Neighbor Discovery Protocol (NDP) messages in IPv6 networks.
Question 8: Which of the following commands defines an audit rule that monitors read and write operations to the file/ etc/firewall/rules and associates the rule with the name firewall?

Explanation: The correct option is "auditctl -w /etc/firewall/rules -p rw -k firewall". This command defines an audit rule that monitors read and write operations to the file /etc/firewall/rules and associates the rule with the name firewall.
Question 9: What happens when the command getfattr afile is run while the file afile has no extended attributes set?

Explanation: The correct option is "No output is produced and getfattr exits with a value of 0." When the command getfattr is run on a file with no extended attributes set, it produces no output and exits with a value of 0.
Question 10: Which of the following access control models is established by using SELinux?

Explanation: The correct option is "Mandatory Access Control (MAC)". SELinux (Security-Enhanced Linux) implements Mandatory Access Control (MAC), which provides a more granular level of control over system resources than traditional discretionary access controls.

Time left: 15:00